Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Charge to Obama: 'Go off!'

During the weeks of the oil spill off the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama has been nothing but calm. The longer it takes for the spill to be stopped and cleaned up, the angrier people get at Obama instead of the oil company of BP. This is the worst oil spill in American history and director Spike Lee urges Obama to go off because this is a disastor. Many people are waiting for the Obama to take charge and inspire them like he did during is election. A senior political analyst for CNN named Gloria Borger says that we got the president we elected.

I agree with Spike Lee. This is a serious issue that is affecting a lot of wildlife and it’s about time Obama does something about it. Obama has seemed too calm about the oil spill and if the president doesn’t seem motivated then America isn’t going to be motivated to clean up the spill either. The Presidents job is to inspire America to work together to improve the country. Obama has only been to the sight of the spill twice and he isn’t putting in an effort to make any moving speeches like he did during his presidential election. Obama tried to impress the country when it came to being elected but now that he is elected, he has lacked the powerful speeches that America needs. He claims that the oil spill really hits home because he grew up in a place where the ocean was very important, but if he really is concerned, then he should start showing it.

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