Saturday, May 22, 2010

U.S. issues travel alert for Jamaica

The U.S. State Department says that there are criminal gang members forming in Kingston and the Jamaican Defense forces are starting to mobilize. Because of the violence, they issued an alert for travel to Jamaica. If the situation gets worse, the roads leading to the airport might be blocked off. The U.S. Embassy in Jamaica says that they are taking extra percautions until June 21st when the alert isn’t in affect anymore. U.S. citizens in Jamaica are advised to stay in doors in the Kingston area.

This alert is really disappointing because I went to Jamaica in March and it’s a really fun place to vacation at. I understand why there might be violence because when I was driving from the airport to my resort I saw that there were small shacks all over and people sitting on the side of the roads. There were wild animals eating garbage and even though the country had really cool scenary, I could still tell that it was very poor. When people don’t have food or money some might be willing to steal and be violent to feed their families. Or they might even take up selling drugs. When I was near the edge of the resort on a walk, a man and his small child came up to the fence and they wanted me to buy all kinds of drugs. I hope that the violence will stop soon because I would like to go back.

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