Sunday, May 16, 2010

7-year-old girl killed in Detroit police raid

A 7-year-old girl named Aiyana Jones was shot in the head and killed by police when they tried to search her home for a suspect in a murder. The police were trying to find the muderer of a 17-year-old boy that was suspected to be hiding out in Aiyana’s home. The police arrived at the home, announcing themselves and tossing in a flash bang to try and help secure the area. A woman in her forties approached an officer and physical contact was made. While being confronted, a round of the officer’s weapon went off, hitting Aiyana in the head and neck. The police agreed that the warrant was to be carried through as soon as possible, and the suspect was arrested at Aiyana’s home.

The death of Aiyana is tragic and hypocritical. The police were trying to find a murderer to prevent him from killing again, but instead ended up murdering an innocent little girl. What’s worse: A shooter on the streets that isn’t necessarily going to kill again, or police killing a 7-year-old girl in her own home? Now Aiyana’s parents and other loved ones have to suffer a terrible loss. There should be a warrant out for the man that lost control of his gun, just like there was a warrant out for the killer of that 17-year-old boy. The police did not handle the situation well. They should have found out who was living at the house and they should have gotten the innocent people out first. One arrest isn’t worth a little girls life.

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