Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gary Coleman funeral plan 'pending' as executor takes over

Gary Coleman died on May 26th and arrangements for his funeral are still being made. Shannon Price, his ex wife, had made plans to have an evening service but Coleman’s life-long friend Dion Mial says that Price has no right to an opinion on what happens to Coleman’s body or the funeral. Coleman had to be put on life support on Thursday after he had a bad fall, and by Wednesday, his ex-wife decided to take him off life support and he died that day.

I listened to the 911 call that Coleman’s ex wife made and she doesn’t even sound sad or upset on the phone call. I don’t think that she should have any say in what happens to the body or about the funeral. Even though they lived together she didn’t seem like she cared very much when he fell. She wouldn’t put pressure on his head wound or help him at all because she was too grossed out by the blood and she was afraid she was going to have a siezure. I think that if someone cares about somebody else then they wouldn’t just watch them bleed to death because they were scared that something bad would happen to them. The person that cares about Coleman most should decide where he is burried, and that sure isn’t his ex wife.

The 911 call

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