Thursday, June 3, 2010

BP tries again to cap well as protests against oil giant set to start

On Thursday, BP severed a damaged riser pipe which helped make progress in containing the ruptured oil well. Even though they have made progress, the oil could continue to pour into the Gulf of Mexico until the end of August. This disaster has lasted for more than 45 days now and BP is getting attacked from every angle. They released an ad campaign trying to improve their bad reputation. Tony Hayward apologizes in the campaign and says that he is going to “make this right.”

I think that it’s about time that they make progress on this oil spill. It has been 45 days and things just keep getting worse. The spill is very close to Florida now and it could continue to get worse until August. This is a horrible disaster. 11 people died when the oil rig exploded in April and the United States has to spend millions of dollars building sand walls to prevent the oil from getting to the shore of Louisiana. The oil spill is killing fish and other wildlife that live in the ocean and on shore. This mistake made by humans isn’t only affecting us, it’s affecting the environment too which is unfair. 37% of the Gulf is already off limits for fishing and it’s just going to keep getting worse.

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