Thursday, January 13, 2011

America's 25-year love affair with Glocks

In the Tucson shooting on Saturday Loughner used a Glock 19 to kill 6 people and injure 13 others. It’s a light weight gun common in law enforcement. In 2007, Seung Hui used that same gun to kill 32 people at Virginia Tech. Even Gabrielle Giffords who was injured in the Tucson shooting earlier said she had a Glock 9 millimeter. 65% of law enforcement uses a Glock, and it is very popular with private citizens. In 1986 when Gaston Glock started selling Glocks in the U.S. they held more ammunition than other guns making them more popular. The shooting on Saturday didn’t stop sales though. 60% more guns were bought the Monday after the shooting than the Monday before. Private citizens own 270 million guns.
People aren’t going to stop buying guns because of a shooting. America thinks that guns protect them so if something bad happens they are just going to buy even more to try and protect themselves. This article makes it seem like it is the Glock companies fault for the shootings in the past but really it isn’t. If the shooters didn’t use a Glock they would have just bought a different gun instead. Guns aren’t the reason people are murdered. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Gun sales shouldn’t be made illegal because of one nut job. There are 270 million people that own guns and barely any of them use them to kill people. Banning guns won’t stop murders.

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