Thursday, January 20, 2011

Grand jury indicts Arizona shooting suspect

On Wednesday, a grand jury in accused Jared Loughner on 3 counts of being involved in Tucson shooting. U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke said "This case also involves potential death-penalty charges, and Department rules require us to pursue a deliberate and thorough process." These indictments only include attempted assassination on Giffords and attempted murder on two federal employees. It only includes 3 murders instead of 5 because they are waiting to get a better case so that Loughner will get the death penalty. This indictment is just for a district court to help hold off for the bigger courts so the prosecutors have more time to get their case together.

I’m glad that the prosecution is taking their time to get things done right, instead of rushing into things just so Loughner will be punished quicker. I think that Loughner deserves the death penalty. He killed six people and I believe it should be a life for a life. Loughner may be insane, but if he is insane enough to go on a killing spree than a little therapy probably won’t help him anyways. Loughner killed a 9 year old little girl, which alone is enough for him to deserve the death penalty. We shouldn’t waste our tax dollars on keeping him alive for the rest of his life when he would just be rotting in jail.

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