Thursday, December 23, 2010

Iraqi Christians cancel Christmas amid threats

Christians from Iraq called of the celebration of Christmas this year because they are scared they will get attacked like they were at a church in Baghdad where 68 people were killed 2 months ago. They aren’t going to decorate their houses because al-Qaida said they have bombs ready for Christian homes. Christians called of the celebration of Christmas this year because they are mourning for the people killed in the attack too. Mass is canceled and Christians are just supposed to celebrate at home without large groups. One Bishop says that there isn’t a single source of joy that makes them celebrate.

Reading this article makes me grateful that we can celebrate whatever we want without having to worry about being attacked or bombed. Christmas in America is such a happy time and it’s sad that it can’t be like that everywhere. Christians in Iraq should have the right to celebrate Christmas without being threatened. It really sucks that instead of celebrating Christmas they have to be mourning the deaths of those 68 people that were killed earlier. I think it’s unfortunate that Christians don’t have any joy to even celebrate.

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