Thursday, November 18, 2010

Terror verdict deals blow to Obama Gitmo plan

On November 17th, Ahmed Ghailini was the first person being held at Guantanamo bay in cuba to have a trial and people have been put into this terrorist prison starting 8 years ago. He was tried for trying to blow up government buildings in 1998 and was sentenced to life in prison. This was tried in civilian courts and they had a split decision. This shows that Obama's plan to try prisoners of Guantanamo bay in civilian courts isn't for sure going to work. Representative Peter King says that "We must treat them as wartime enemies and try them in military commissions at Guantanamo." This is not going to help Obama close Guantanamo bay like he had said he’d have closed by his first year in office.

I don’t think that the terrorists should be moved into the U.S. They should stay where they are. The people in Illinois aren’t going to be happy if all the terrorists we have contained are moved to their state. The terrorists at Guantanamo bay shouldn’t be tried by a civilian court because they are not like normal civilians. They should be tried as wartime enemies in a military court because they killed many people and they don’t deserve to be let off easy. I don’t think it’s surprising that Obama didn’t follow through with what he said. This is just another thing he hasn’t done that he promised he would.

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