Thursday, November 4, 2010

Facebook says apps shared user data, promises fix

Facebook said that some of its applications violated the social networking company’s policy for sharing user information and Facebook said the problem will be fixed. They also said that the information sharing was not intentional. Farmville was one of the applications that gave id information to outside companies. The vice president of facebook wrote a letter to congressman Joe Barton and Edward Markey saying that the applications would be deleted and that the id info would be deleted too.
It annoys me that information can be given to other companies from applications. Facebook has privacy settings that shouldn’t have been violated. Facebook should be a safe website where people don’t have to worry about their information being stolen. Even though facebook said they didn’t know that applications were taking information, I still think it is there fault. They should check into applications more before they let them start up on facebook. I’m glad that Facebook is trying to stop this problem and get rid of the bad applications though.

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