Monday, March 1, 2010

Time for democrats to take a risk

After the republicans and democrats met at the White House summit on health care, it was clear that they were not any closer to a deal. The White House did make a decision though that they would move forward on the health care issue without Republican support. The democrats are now debating on whether or not to use reconciliation to pass health care. Reconciliation was originally created to make passing budget laws easier by only needing 51 votes instead of 60 to pass a bill. If the democrats decide to use reconciliation then they have to convince enough members of their own party that it won't cause them to lose votes.
I don't think that the democrats should use reconciliation to pass health care. Reconciliation was made to make passing bills that have to do with taxes and budget easier. It was not made to make passing bills on major legislation easier. Health care is a big issue and if the only way that it can passed is if the democrats use an easier way than it shouldn't be passed at all. If the democrats use this way to pass health care, i think that it will cause them to lose a lot of votes when election time comes around because they aren't compromising on the program, they are just forcing it through even though not all people want it.

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