Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Lady on Health Car: Doing nothing 'not an option'

The first lady, Michelle Obama, talks about how the legislators don't have a choice and need to do some type of
improvement on the health system in the United States. She talks about how were spending loads of money on these
diseases that are preventable. People should have access to a specialist that can track the diseases and help to stop
them from spreading. Obama also talks about how her kids had a eating disorder and that they took measures to
help them get back on the right eating track. She hopes that her story can help other Americans watch what they
and there kids eat to make sure that they don't end up getting a eating disorder from not eating healthy enough.
I think that the need for a health plan is definitely a huge need but, i also think that the need to keep the illegal
immigrants out of the country would help the health care a lot. Many of the people that are spreading the diseases
are the ones that come across the border and don't have the money to get the medication to fix the problem and
stop spreading the disease.


1 comment:

  1. Regarding your statemnt about illegal immagrants coming over to our country and spreading dieses, Obama is making it so that they can become citizens and recieve the healthcare. I mean of course he is just not going to let anyone come in, but you do realize that once upon a time we were immagrints, some illegal and we had to go through a process to be a citizen. It is not fair to not let people come into our country and get an oppurtunity to live the "American Dream", like we were given that ippurtunity many years ago.

    Going back to the article though, I do agree reatly with what the First Lady is saying. If people weren't so afraid to go to the doctor because of the cost issue and were given the care they need we would SAVE money because they would be getting the neccasary treatment right away, instead of way down the road when they are forced to go to the doctor because they can not live daily life anymore.

    The First Lady is doing many things for our country that are postive. Not only is she supporting her husbands choices to make bills and to put them in action but she is also trying to get her own things to be sent to be voted on. Such as when your in the military having more access to talk to your family, and if there is a death allowing them to come home. She is working very hard for our soliders to be able to keep in contact because they deserve it for fighting for our country.
