Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Lady on Health Car: Doing nothing 'not an option'

The first lady, Michelle Obama, talks about how the legislators don't have a choice and need to do some type of
improvement on the health system in the United States. She talks about how were spending loads of money on these
diseases that are preventable. People should have access to a specialist that can track the diseases and help to stop
them from spreading. Obama also talks about how her kids had a eating disorder and that they took measures to
help them get back on the right eating track. She hopes that her story can help other Americans watch what they
and there kids eat to make sure that they don't end up getting a eating disorder from not eating healthy enough.
I think that the need for a health plan is definitely a huge need but, i also think that the need to keep the illegal
immigrants out of the country would help the health care a lot. Many of the people that are spreading the diseases
are the ones that come across the border and don't have the money to get the medication to fix the problem and
stop spreading the disease.


Monday, February 1, 2010

Are actions of 'super-tribe' an Afghan tipping point?

Along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border Nato forces have teamed up with some of the super tribes from the Shinwari tribe.  This super tribe is made up of 170 elderly members that are against the Taliban and Al-Queda fighters.  This group publicly announced that they would burn down the home of anyone that is sheltering the these terroist groups.  Doing so put them into great danger because the Taliban can now come find and kill them.   The U.S. is giving this group great support on the hopes of other groups like this will stand up to the Taliban and help keep the foreign fighters out of the area.  This could be a crucial spot to get rid of the fighters because of its location on the border.  
I think that this group is doing a brave act against the Taliban.  No other groups have had the courage to stand up against them because of powerfully armed the fighters can be.  If many of the other groups around the area could do the same thing in no time the fighters would be out the area and give this place a chance to strive.  The U.S. should give its full support to help this group out in anyway it can. 