Monday, October 25, 2010

Quake Hits Indonesia

The quake hit around 10:42 in the morning and was reported to be a magnitude of 7.2. Indonesia's Meteorology and Geophysics Agency at first issued a tsunami warning but ended. it within a short while. The quake would create waves that would do some damage and be irregular but nothing that would intiate a tsunami. Indonesia is prone to quakes and volcanic activity because it it located on the pacific ring of fire.
I think that too many quakes hit countries that are not prepared for any environmental crisis's. There is no known way of stopping a earthquake or any other thing like it but i think that most countries that have expirienced them before should become better prepared but maybe having shelters ready that are stocked with water and food. If these countries were better prepared then it could lead to much less deaths and better coping.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Time Square Bomber Gets Life Sentence

The Pakistani who tried to set off a car bomb in time square was sentenced to life in prison on tuesday. He did not feel any remorse for what he had tried to do. Him and the judge did not get along very well and she told him he had lots of time to think about if the koran wants him to kill many people. She also said that she needed to set an example to help protect people from this happening again. The Pakistani warned that this was just the start of muslim attacks if we do not leave his land alone.
I believe that the judge did the right thing. The only thing that the judge could of done better was to give the death penalty which is most likey outlawed. I believe that we should take more action against the muslims and either bomb the whole middle east and end it or just pull out and leave them be to better protect our soldiers from dying over there and for better protection of our own people from attacks like this one. If the man wasnt lying and there will be more attacks then we need to be better prepared.

Monday, October 4, 2010

War Dollars

The constitution says that the president is the commander in cheif of the armed forces but he shouldn't be able to spend money for war in any way he wants. Congress has the right to aprrove or deny the way the president wants to spend the money. The people vote for who they want to represent them and then those people end up in congress. Congress having a say in what happens to the money means that the people will generally be kept happy because they elected who is in congress. The people should have control over how money is spent because it is their money in taxes that are paying for it. If the american people don't like the war in iraq then they should be able to stop funding it and then possibly get a taxcut.

The president shouldn't have to worry about what congress says when it comes to war dollars. The american people elected the president in the first place so they should give him a chance to spend their money in the right way. The president is better prepared to make war decisions than congress anyways which is why the president is our commander in chief.

I think that congress should still have a say in how the president spends money when it comes to war. We elected the president but the war is being supported by our tax dollars so we should be able to monitor his spending through congress. When the president was elected war might not have even been an issue at the time so we should still be able to control how he spends money in war just in case we don't like how he handles it. War costs a lot which is why the people should know where it's going. The National Priorites Project shows that the war in iraq and afghanistan has cost each tax payer almost $8000 since 2001. In just iraq, the war has cost the u.s. $750,658,711,552 and it's still going up. This shows that the people are paying for the war so the people that they elect in congress should be able to control how it's spent.
